- gimp便携版 -?照片与图片编辑器 GIMP Portable - Photo and Image Editor
- 便 ordinary
- Sumatra pdf?便携版 -?轻量级的pdf查看器 Sumatra PDF Portable - a lightweight PDF viewer
- 便携 portable
- 便携ARM partahle ARM
- 便携站 portable earth station
- 附加便携ram SPRAM Scratch Pad RAM
- 便携武 Portable
- 便携存储 convenient storage
- 现场便携 field-portable
- 便携防空 Portable anti -air
- 便携仪维修 maintenance with portable tester
- 便携测试架 portable test equipment
- 便携净水器 Portable water-purifying equipment
- 便携的控制器 Cord-connected controls for safety and convenience
- 便携电话装置 mancarried telephone device
- 超便携投影机 super-portable projector
- 测量便携计算 digital surveying computing
- 台式便携电脑 desktop
- 便携X荧光光谱 Portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer